6 Examples of personalized marketing for beautiful customer experiences  11 min read

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Personalized experiences and products are expected nowadays as customers want brands to connect with them on an individual level.  60% of customers said they are more likely to repeatedly purchase from a brand that offers personalized shopping experiences. These customer expectations statistics show that 66% of customers expect brands to understand their needs, which makes personalized marketing important. There are many examples of personalized marketing which are commonly used such as personalized messages or product recommendations.

By creating personalized shopping experiences for customers, they will try out and repeat purchases with your brand. Moreover, delivering individualized content to customers will strengthen your relationship and lead to loyal customers and an increase in sales. 

In this article, we will help you understand:

It is marketing that speaks personally to every customer. Personalized marketing is recommending products to your customers based on their preferences, attitudes, and previous interactions with your brand. Essentially, it is creating unique personalized experiences and custom messages for individual customers. This makes customers feel special because you understand their needs and likes which creates a memorable experience with your brand. Personalized marketing solutions are about collecting and analysing customer data and using algorithms to recommend them products. It allows you to enhance your customer experience and increase engagement with your customers which will drive revenue. 

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  1. Creates better customer experiences as you are providing them with a positive and memorable experience.
  1. Increases sales as personalized experiences drive your customers to repeat purchases with your brand.  
  1. Boosts customer loyalty because you show customers that you value them and understand their needs which will keep them returning. 
  1. Provides unique experiences as you create experiences that are specially tailored to them. 

Now that you understand these benefits let us look at these examples of personalized marketing.

These examples of personalized marketing will show you how other brands did it well and what you can do.

Create and send your customers personalized reports based on their interactions with your products. Interactions such as how often they use your product and what they spend the most time using. Customers like to receive messages that are personal to them that provide value and information. Send customers reports on how they can use your products better and what they can do to improve their experience. Add visuals, animations, or interactive elements to the reports to present them interestingly and engagingly. For example, Grammarly, sends its users Weekly Grammarly Insights Reports on their productivity, mastery, vocabulary, and top grammar mistakes. This gives users an overview of their writing skills and shows them areas to improve.

Personalized interactive statistical infographic template

What you can do: Turn your customer’s personalized reports into Interactive Infographics. Present their details and insights in an engaging way they can interact with. Present them with a statistical report of how they consume and interact with your product using this Statistical Infographics template

Showcase and recommend products to your customers based on their buying behaviours and previous purchases. Moreover, based on their wish list or related products such as a chopping board if they previously bought kitchen knives. Customers impulsively purchase products that align with their needs or search. Additionally, showing them related products can impact customers’ purchase decisions and drive sales.  

Take Amazon product recommendations, it recommends products to its customers based on past purchases, interactions, and purchases by similar users. Moreover, it recommends based on browsed products and features of a product. This is done by algorithms to create personalized experiences for their customers and this service is called Amazon Personalize.  

Personalized perfect gift finder template

What you can do: Add a product recommender engine to your website to recommend products based on customers’ data. Make sure to have a solid backlog of valuable customer information. Additionally, add an Interactive Product Recommender that customers can interact with to find products, just try out this customisable Perfect Gift Finder template.  

Superdrug the biggest health and beauty retailer took personalization to the next level. They created multiple product finders to help customers narrow down product options so they could make informed decisions before purchasing. The goal was to make online shopping easier and enjoyable and provide customers with a good experience. With our product finder, customers receive personalized shopping insights, expert advice, and guidance based on their responses. This led to an increase of 12-13% conversion rates from an average rate of 3-4%. 

Adopt gamification to motivate customers to use your products and services and to spend more money with you. Games motivate customers to engage and interact with your brand because they know they will receive rewards for performing a certain action and customers like to be incentivized. By creating a gamified experience on your website or mobile app, you can collect customer data and use that information to create personalized recommendations and experiences for customers. For example, the Starbucks Rewards app allows customers to earn stars on their rewards app. Customers can earn 2 stars for every $1 spent, by earning stars customers can be rewarded with free food or drinks and they can even customize their drink in-app.  

guess the phrase marketing games template

What you can do: Create a loyalty program app with a gamified experience that allows users to collect points or create a fun Marketing Game that allows them to play, engage, and provide you with their details. Try out this Guess the Phrase template to engage with your customers and collect their information.  

Craft personalized videos that convey unique messages to your customers or a video that recommends a product specially for their needs or tastes. Customers like it when you craft messages that speak directly to them, their needs, and preferences. It helps you build a connection with them, and they can share this video on their social media. An example of personalized video is when Cadbury launched a Facebook campaign to promote their 12 flavours and match them to users based on data such as their, age, locations, and interests. Customers received a personalized video that celebrates their flavour match together with their profile photo.  

Personalized interactive video template

What you can do: Create a personalized video for your customers using an Interactive Video or Branching Video. This allows them to interact with the video by filling out their name, clicking on a button, and receiving recommendations and information based on their actions and you can use this Personalized Video template to get started. 

Give out coupons, discounts, or free trials to customers in exchange for their information by making them fill out a form. Customers love to receive discounts and coupons or something free as it incentivizes them to spend. With the information collected from customers, you can use it to send your customers relevant deals that are personalized to encourage them to purchase. For example, Safeway grocery supermarket sends coupons and special offers to customers based on their shopping history or habits through their Safeway for U mobile coupon app.   

Interactive popup scratch card

What you can do: Send your customers a coupon for a product that is related to their previous purchase or add an Interactive Popup to your website that provides customers a coupon for a product they are viewing. You can give them a coupon code when they fill out a form or you can try out this Scratch Card Popup template where they can scratch to reveal a coupon or free sample. 

Craft and send out personalized emails to your audience, whether it is to wish them on their birthday and to send them a birthday discount or to report detailing their usage of your products and services. Customers like receiving a message that is personal to them as it makes them feel special and they feel noticed. Look at this example from Easy Jet, on their 20th anniversary they launched their ‘How 20 Years Have Flown’ email marketing campaign. In this campaign, they sent personalized newsletters addressing their customers by name, a recap of the first destination they ever flew to, and how many kilometres they have flown since then. The engagement they received with this campaign was incredible, with a high click-through rate and customers making their next booking.  

test and consultation booking template

What you can do: Send them a personalized email thanking them for shopping with you or a birthday wish with a reward. You can also send them a Personality Test that they can take and email them their insights afterwards. 

Allow customers to customize their product according to their needs and preferences, whether it is by choosing their own colours or adding an image they like and creating their own lipstick shade or perfume scent. Customers love personalized products as they get to create and purchase a product that is uniquely theirs and is different from others. For example, Function of Beauty, a personal care brand allows their customers to create personalized hair products such as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash according to their needs and preferences. Customers first must take a quiz so their product can be formulated to their needs such as a shampoo for curly hair and they get to choose their scents and colour to fit who they are. This allows customers to buy a product that tailors to their specific needs.  

personalized gift engraver template

What you can do: Add customization to your products such as colours, style, custom text or image to allow customers to choose and personalize your products to their style. You can make them answer questions about their needs so you can craft a product based on their answers and collect data to create a personalized experience for them. Try out this Personalized Gift Engraver to get started.  

Turn your customer experiences into one that makes your customers feel special, an experience that makes them feel that you truly understand their needs and wants. Use personalized marketing examples such as personalized reports, product recommendations, gamification, personalized videos, personalized emails, and tailor-made products to create unique experiences and interactions with your customers.  

Our Interactive Content Tool at Dot.vu allows you to create unique and personalized experiences for your customers with multiple Interactive Experiences such as Quizzes, Surveys, Marketing Games, Interactive Popups, and Interactive Videos. Utilize over 350+ customizable templates to start creating personalized experiences for your customers, just try our 14-day free trial today! 

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