The pros and cons of eBooks and how Interactive eBooks are better8 min read

The pros and cons of eBook and how Interactive eBooks are better blog post by

eBooks have become a thing since 2007 when Amazon released their eBook platform and device called Kindle. It is also a powerful marketing tool which can help you educate potential customers about your company. Additionally, it is used as a lead magnet to help you generate lead and grow your email list. 

According to these eBooks Sales Statistics, 30% of 18–29-year-olds have read eBooks in the past year, making it popular among them. In addition, 54% of eBook readers purchased their books while 37% utilized free downloads which means there is an appreciation for them. Based on these eBooks Statistics, There will be an estimated growth of eBook user penetration of 13.3% to 14.1% from 2024 to 2027.  This means it is a great way to reach out to your audience. Want to know if eBooks are suitable for you? Let us look at the pros and cons of eBooks. 

In this article we will uncover: 

An eBook is a non-editable electronic book that appears in a digital format. Because it is digital, it can be accessed and read on any digital device such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and an Amazon Kindle. Besides that, it is also an essential marketing tool to educate your readers about your product or services or key information in your industry. Moreover, they are usually published and shared in the format of a PDF.  

If you are wondering about Interactive eBooks, they are essentially eBooks that are Interactive and a type of Interactive Flipbook. This means readers can actively participate and engage with the content, unlike static content. Interactive eBooks are eBooks where pages are animated to flip just like a printed book and you can also add other animations. It also contains Interactive Experiences such as Quizzes, Polls, Marketing Games and more. With Interactive eBooks, you can increase engagement, grow your email list, and capture data and insights.  

RELATED: What is an Interactive eBook 

Let us go through eBooks pros and cons to see if it is suitable for your business.  

Pros of eBooks

  • eBooks are easily accessible. They can be found online instantly with a search and can be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time.  
  • eBooks are eco-friendly and waste free. No trees are harmed to make the book and it does not use a lot of energy to create one.  
  • eBooks can easily be published and distributed. Use an online eBook creator to create and publish it and then distribute it on your website.  
  • eBooks cost less to create and publish. You only need to pay for an eBook maker tool or hire a designer to design and put it together for you. 
  • eBooks allow you to add links. You can add links to your resources so your audiences can further explore a topic. You can add links from your website that are relevant to your eBook.  

Cons of eBooks

  • ebooks are not tailored for every screen size. They may not look good on every screen because there are different types of digital devices.  
  • eBooks are not interactive. They are static and not engaging compared to an Interactive eBook. 
  • eBooks do not let you capture data and insights. You cannot view and track who as viewed and interacted with your eBook or which section they spend the most time interacting with. You can only track how many downloads your eBook got. 
  • eBooks have a large file size. Because eBooks contain a lot of information or visuals, they may be troublesome to download and share through email or messaging apps. This is because some applications have limitations when it comes to bigger-sized files.  
  • eBooks can be lost and forgotten in storage files. This is because they are downloaded as a file. In order to read or access them, people would need to search for them, and they also store a lot of other files.  
  • eBooks need to be downloaded before being read. Depending on the size of your eBook it can take up a lot of time to download and readers cannot instantly get the information they need. 
  • eBooks are not customizable or editable. Once they are saved as a PDF you cannot customize it or change its design. You would have to go back to the original editing source and make changes from there.  
Explore this example to get inspired!


eBooks: eBooks are static and there is no form of interactivity. Audiences can only scroll to read to consume information.  

Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks allow for interactivity through Interactive Experiences such as playing Marketing Games, taking Personality Tests, or answering Quizzes.  

Data capture and analytics

eBooks: ebooks only let you view who has downloaded your eBook it does not give you a better insight into how your content has been interacted with. It does not capture data or help you analyze it so you can make informed decisions or understand who your potential customers are. 

Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks allow you to capture data and track who has interacted with your content. It gives you deeper insights such as clicks, progress, page views, or actions carried out by users on your eBook. 


eBooks: eBooks cannot directly be customized once they are published. This makes it difficult to fix any mistakes or update it. 

Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks can directly be edited through an Interactive Content tool. Make changes to your design and update your eBook with new information easily and it will reflect on it once you refresh. 

Lead generation

eBooks: eBooks are static which means you cannot add a lead form which can help readers instantly fill it out. You can only gate your content at the start by requiring them to fill in their email addresses before downloading the eBook.  

Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks allow you to add a lead generation form so you can instantly generate leads. You can gate your content at any time or anywhere within your Interactive eBook which allows audiences to access it immediately. Audiences only need to fill out their information before accessing a certain page or experience which allows them to receive value from your content. This means they are more willing to give their details as they are interested in seeking the information or experience from the page.  


eBooks: eBooks are not conveniently shareable. You would need to make sure the size of your file is smaller by using a PDF converter which takes time. It also takes time for it to be shared if it has a larger file size and would be limited by restrictions on sharing platforms. 

Interactive eBooks: Interactive eBooks can be easily shared by embedding it to your websites, blogs, landing pages, or applications. You can also share it as a link, and it only takes a few clicks.  

Explore our Interactive eBook template collection and transform your eBook with our stunning designs

Interactive eBooks are much better than traditional eBooks or PDFs. This is because it is interactive and super engaging for your readers which allows you to connect with them. Additionally, it allows you to collect and analyze data, so you have a better idea of who and how your content is consumed and use that data to make informed decisions. Moreover, it is easily customizable so you can implement any changes instantly, which is reflected in real-time, unlike eBooks which it cannot be changed as it is already a PDF format. Furthermore, Interactive eBooks can help you generate leads so you can grow your email lists, convert them into customers, and boost your sales. In addition, it can be shared easily which means you easily gain traffic, and it makes your content more accessible.  

Interactive eBooks offer more benefits compared to traditional eBooks. While traditional eBooks have advantages like easy accessibility and eco-friendliness, they also come with several downsides. Converting your eBook into an Interactive eBook can help you achieve your marketing goals. You can learn how to make an Interactive PDF with our Interactive Content tool. 

Our Interactive Content tool at allows you to turn your eBook into an Interactive Flipbook. Browse over 300+ customizable templates and choose stunning flipbook designs from our Interactive Flipbook collection or convert your existing PDFs into Interactive eBooks. Make your eBook more engaging and grow your business with an Interactive Flipbook. Create a free account today and enjoy the benefits of Interactive Content. 

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