Author name: Zsombor Szép

6 Best Interactive Flipbook Solutions

In this blog post, we will highlight 6 top interactive flipbook solutions. Also, we will focus on four different elements as points of differentiation for marketers when deciding which company offers the most for their budget.

10+ Video marketing trends for 2023

10+ Video marketing trends for 2023

In 2023 video marketing is going to be one of the top dominating content strategies, just like it was in 2022. Check out these 10+ Video Marketing Trends for 2023 to get inspiration!

What Is a Solution Builder - Header- Blog -

What is a Solution Builder?

If you ever wonder how to make a compound product purchase easier for your customer, then you came to the right place. Stay with me and read this short blog post on how a Solution Builder can solve your problem.

Consumer data as a new currency. Importance of data, concerns around the way businesses acquire data, regulations that come into force and solutions to collect more effective behavioral data.

Consumer Data as a New Currency

Data as of today is considered to be one the most essential commodities. Businesses strive to acquire data to sell more and engage with customers. However, there are concerns around the way they invade people’s privacy. Learn about why, regulations that are coming into force and solutions for collecting more effective consumer data.

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