Embedding an Interactive Content template to your website helps you collect customer data and boost engagement. Have you ever thought about what Marketing Games, in particular, can tell us about consumer behavior?
Knowledge of consumer behavior is crucial for companies because it helps them understand what buyers base their decisions on. The more marketers know about their customers, the more improvements they can make in branding, products, and services. Being conscious of consumer behavior also plays a crucial role in crafting communication strategies. After all, if people are not fond of your product offering or customer service, they will find another solution.
What are Marketing Games?
Marketing Games, also called Branded Marketing Games, are Interactive Experiences that help companies improve customer engagement, promote products and services, and generate leads. Marketing Games require an elevated level of interaction as the players need to perform specific actions, such as scratching cards, answering questions, collecting items, avoiding objects, and spotting differences. There are many different types of Marketing Games. The motivation to play stems from instant gratification like prizes, discount codes or knowledge insights. Your customers need to fill out a lead form to participate and claim their prizes. This is a great benefit for your organization as you collect customer data in a non-invasive manner. Moreover, your visitors don’t feel like they are giving up their information. They receive something valuable in return.
You need to place the lead form strategically. Should it appear at the beginning of the game? Or when your customers are already committed and have spent some time playing? You can try different placements every time you post a Marketing Game. These will help you to discover what works best for your audience.

How can Marketing Games help us understand consumer behavior
Marketing Games can tell us a lot about our customers and thus help us understand consumer behavior.
Companies can launch branded Marketing Games at different times of the year. Uploading various Interactive Experiences creates the opportunity to compare their performance. This allows us to identify which games appeal to customers the most. In addition, using split test functions, we’re able to actively test which solution performs best, and lets us optimize for interactions. We might find out that our target audience would rather play Scratch Discount Code than a Slot Machine. Or they might engage in catching an item with an online Claw Machine. Getting to know customers’ preferences helps us improve content and communication strategy.
Marketing Games analytics also show how many times a customer has played a specific game. They also let you know exactly in which part of the game users drop-off, and where they click. This gives you insights into the performance and, if structured correctly, which elements of your Interactive Experience the customers find the most interesting. This is another way of discovering your customers’ personal interests. Moreover, you can gain insights into how competitive your audience is. Adding a leaderboard boosts participation, but it also shows you how important it is for your customers to win.
Rewarding your visitors with prizes is the biggest motivator when it comes to Marketing Games. Giving out discount codes is yet another source of consumer behavior data. You can identify the number of winners who purchased a product with their discount code.
Finally, if the Marketing Games have referral features, you can discover the advocates of your brand. Some people might share the link multiple times and attract many new visitors. You can confirm that people like the content you provide if they spread the word about your website.

Collecting customer data through lead forms
Marketing Games enable marketers to collect customer data through lead forms and interactions inside of the actual game. If the prize is valuable enough, your consumers will share their information to claim it, including first and last name, email address, country of residence, and others. Apart from generating leads, you can use this information to segment your audience based on, for example, geography. Knowing which countries your customers come from helps you craft successful communication strategies. From a strategic point of view, you can add a different custom field to the lead forms every time you launch a game. This is a way to gradually collect valuable information without requiring too much data at once.
The fact that your customers fill in these short forms is proof that the game is interesting for them. You can benchmark the number of leads you generate through a Marketing Game and other channels.

Bottom line: This is how Marketing games can helps us understand consumer behavior
Apart from boosting customer engagement and attracting new visitors, Marketing Games can also help us better understand consumer behavior. As a marketer, you can get to know your target audience better. Understanding the likes and dislikes, as well as the expectations of your customers, enables you to make informed decisions and craft hyper-personalization marketing content. High participation shows that the Interactive Experience is intriguing enough to grab your audience’s attention and encourage them to share their information.
Dot.vu has various Marketing Games templates which your customers would love to interact with. If you want to gamify your marketing, collect behavioral data, and boost engagement, create a free account and explore the magic of gamification.